Recently, while setting the development environment on my new Mac, I thought it would be useful to maintain a repository of setup guide for most commonly used developer tools. I started documenting it with GitBook parallel to setting up my box. Here it is: Mac OSX Dev Setup Guide

Mac OSX Development Setup Guide

This repository is open source and can be found on GitHub. This guide covers the steps involved in setting up the development environment for common tools/languages/libraries all at one place. I also plan to add tips and tricks in the usage of these tools, which can be effective during development. For example, setting aliases for frequently used commands, keyboard friendly shortcuts, tricks in using Postgres. I have tried all of it on Mac Mountain Lion, Mojave and Mavericks. Many of us use containers which can have a predefined environment, but this is intended to be used for setting up native box for daily use.

If you have any feedback or if you wish to contribute to it, please send a pull request. You can add support to various other tools/languages/libraries.